Electric Range

Renault Trucks E-Tech: electric vehicles range

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Calculate the range of your future electric truck or van

With this simulator, you can calculate the expected range of your truck depending on your application, environment, temperature and load percentage. 

The whole E-Tech range is available: D E-Tech, D Wide E-Tech and Master E-Tech. 




Temperature : 0°

Load : 50%

Given those criteria, here is the expected maximum operating range of your truck:


The indicated range depends on the individual use of the vehicle, its equipment and other external factors. For each model, the range is calculated at the beginning of the battery's life with the maximum number of packs, it is given as an indication and has no contractual value.

If you want a personalised calculation of range, specific to your application and topography, don't hesitate to contact our experts who have advanced tools enabling a more precise result. 

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